Show your support for the Moss Lane Extra Care Scheme in Hale

McCarthy Stone is bringing forward proposals for new homes off Moss Lane, Hale. If approved, the site will see the delivery of approximately 64 Extra Care homes brought forward. These apartments are exclusively for the over 70s who want to maintain their independence and privacy whilst also receiving tailored support and care at an in-built social community.

This webpage is a platform for individuals who wish to make their support for the application known. By filling in the form, your supportive comments will be submitted to us. Our team will then make sure that they are submitted to Trafford Council on your behalf.

By completing and submitting your personal data, you agree that your details can be passed to the local planning authority at Trafford Council, which will determine the application.

Share Your Support

Thank you for taking the time to share your supportive comments. Please use the links below to share our website with your friends, family, and colleagues. By encouraging more people to get in touch with the Council, we can show elected members that the communities in Trafford support these plans. So please, take a moment to share our link, thank you for your support!